Gillespies Peanuts - Chocolate Covered

Gillespie's Peanuts Chocolate Covered Peanuts at Buy Way of Charleston.jpg
Gillespie's Peanuts Chocolate Covered Peanuts at Buy Way of Charleston.jpg

Gillespies Peanuts - Chocolate Covered


This family-owned peanut farm harvests some of the tastiest peanuts in South Carolina, if not the East Coast! Rogers Brother’s Farms grows 100% high-oleic peanuts, which means an inherently higher percentage of monosaturated fats (the "good" fats). Due to this chemistry, their peanuts also benefit from a longer shelf life than peanuts of other breeds. You really can taste the difference! These are great gifts for the peanut lover and even better to have on hand for a snack!

Chocolate Covered Peanuts - Single dipped in decadent milk chocolate.

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